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Fine Art Portrait Story

Fine Art Portraits are storytelling, they demonstrate ideas and evoke emotions and feelings. Fine art photos, photo art prints, fine art photography prints.

broken glasses fine art conceptual portrait photography

Broken Glasses 2

We hurt ourselves.Most of the time, without consciously knowing what we were thinking or doing.We think of ourselves badly when we make mistakes.We blame ourselves when accidents happen.We feed ourselves unhealthy food because of stress.We give the wrong people our love or attention when they don’t deserve it.We think we are fat when our tummy

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Conceptual Photography art broken glasses

The Way Out

“What have you done?!”“You’re so clumsy!”“I’ve told you to be careful!” Have you ever accidentally broken some glasses? If you have, those comments might sound familiar to you.Usually, breaking glasses is not something people would do intentionally. We did it by accident and sometimes we get the blame, or we blame ourselves for not being

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I See You

This image ” I see you”, is part of the exhibition collection at Canon Malta, Avantech in San Gwann. In this image, I want to show the essence of the emotion and atmosphere is more, much more important than the clothing. There is only one piece of fabric wrapped around the waist, so basically, the

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New Beginning

This image “New Beginning” to me it’s like an ultrasound scan, a human inside the womb, a newborn and a life beginning. When I was creating this image, I was going through an internal transition, a shift, a revolution. I’ve evolved from different life experiences and this is one of the major ones. After the

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